jueves, 22 de febrero de 2007

Losing my mind. Stephen Sondheim.

The sun comes up,
I think about you.
The coffee cup,
I think about you.
I want you so,
It's like I'm losing my mind.
The morning ends,
I think about you.
I talk to friends,
I think about you.
And do they know?
It's like I'm losing my mind.
All afternoon,
Doing every little chore,
The thought of you stays bright.
Sometimes I stand
In the middle of the floor,
Not going left,
Not going right.
I dim the lights
And think about you,
Spend sleepless nights
To think about you.
You said you loved me,
Or were you just being kind?
Or am I losing my mind?
I want you so,
It's like I'm losing my mind.
Does no one know?
It's like I'm losing my mind.
All afternoon,
Doing every little chore,
The thought of you stays bright.
Sometimes I stand
In the middle of the floor,
Not going left,
Not going right.
I dim the lights
And think about you,
Spend sleepless nights
To think about you.
You said you loved me,
Or were you just being kind!
Or am I losing my mind?

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Me siento reiterativa en este tema, y ello me hace pensar que no es aislado que en situaciones que nos movilizan mucho y que puede o no existir la posibilidad de una pérdida, sintamos que podemos enloquecer, o "perder la cabeza". Alguien canta "...voy a perder la cabeza por tu amor..."
¿Por qué será? ¿Por qué será que se le da tanto espacio, tiempo, palabras, arte, etc, etc, a esta temática? Con filosofía de la cotidianeidad y no desde el pensamiento científico y filosófico siento que nos pasamos toda la vida buscando al AMOR....

Anónimo dijo...

´Pensar es fácil. Actuar es un poco más difícil. Pero actuar como se piensa es lo más difícil de todo´, dijo Goethe.